A rainbow in the sky

A rainbow in the sky

joi, 10 septembrie 2009

Hello Goodbye

Finally, they managed to get away. It will be just the two of them. They’ve been trying to find some time to spend together for weeks now. Now that they finally managed to plan a 2 day get-away, they were full of plans and illusions, counting the days and hours until the time comes. It had to be perfect. He carefully planned every aspect of the romantic get-away and made sure everything was fit to make it memorable. She had no idea he was planning something special for her.

It was a beautiful sunset and she was waiting for him by the old tree, just like the note asked her to. Time seemed to be passing slower by each minute. She could barely wait to see him. It`s been a while since she last saw him or felt his warmth. They wrote to each other often and talked a few times on the phone but it was his scent and touch she was missing so. She waits impatiently to unite with the person that made her happy. She sat on the grass, gazing at the fiery red sky. It was a beautiful sunset. With a lost look she was day dreaming when she was caught by surprise by someone from behind.

She instantly recognized the soft touch and sweet scent of her beloved. Quickly turning around she hugged him really tight not letting go for a while. She was so happy to see him after waiting this long that she almost suffocated him with kisses. Pleasantly surprised by her greeting, he caressed her cheek and gave her a gentle kiss feeling the touch of her lips in the deepest part of his being. He took her hands and looked in her sparkling eyes: “Common, I wanna show you something” he said to her and gently put his arm around her waist to guide her. They started walking towards the forest.

It was a long sunny day but now, before sunset, a cool wind was blowing witch made it a perfect time for a walk. She seemed fascinated by the beauty of the surroundings and soon started to jump around joyfully picking flowers. It continued in a game of hide and seek, the boy chasing her like a mirage. She was there one second and when he was just about to touch her it was like she disappeared. She liked to tease him but wanting him as bad as he wanted her she eventually let herself caught. Staying still, hidden behind a tree, she was grabbed from behind. “Gotcha!” They let themselves fall on the grass sitting there and kissing or just looking at each other almost like not believing how good they feel together and that this is really happening.

Continuing their way through the forest they didn’t talk much, just held hands squeezing from time to time. The lovers were getting closer to another end of the forest. He asked her to close her eyes, then gently blind faulted her with a scarf she gave him as a remember gift a while ago. Carefully, he guided her through the remaining part of the road.

Finally, here they are. They were standing at an old ruin at the end of the forest. No one was near around, everybody forgot about this place. It was once a beautiful fortress but now it was all gone, just a lost ruin. Here he set up things for the entire night. Now, the sun was almost gone so the light was getting dimmer. He took her at the spot he arranged for this occasion. There was a warming blanket they could sit on, gathered wood for a fire that can last until morning, her favorite food made by him and some sweets. He asked her to wait there for a little while until he makes the final preparations.

He lit a few candles putting them on the surrounding remains of the ruin walls. On the blanket there were flowers waiting for her and a bowl of fruits. Next to it was a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Making sure the whole set is perfect he can now remove her blind fault. He goes back to her and while kissing, he slowly takes off her scarf. Her eyes were still closed and they remained that way as long as the kiss lasted. When she looked around she found the most incredible view. It was now dark, she was surrounded by the walls of the candle-lit ruin, shining like enchanted and in front of her a bed-like arrangement. He took her hand and invited her to sit down. She was speechless, couldn’t say a word. She sat down next to him. He got closer to her; they were standing cheek to cheek. He took a deep breath and sang her a song mildly, next to her ear. He couldn`t do it if she was looking at him, in the eyes, and besides, this way they`re closer. She sat there, listening to his song, stunned. His voice was trembling a little but he got his message to her. Then he slowly bowed his head on her shoulder. She embraced him and they just sat that way. It was a lovely starry night and the white full moon was shining right in front of them. They all looked closer from here. This place was magic.

She was sitting with her head on his chest listening to his heart beat still in kind of a non-believe state. In that incredible night they talked about allot of things, made allot of plans and promises but no words could ever say or show how in love they were. They were happy for simply being there together. It was all then and there. Time stopped for them. It was an eternity for just the two, a never ending night at the lost ruins. It felt that way. But in the same time, the end came too fast…

With the rise of the sun, the magic faded. They got no sleep at all but they weren`t tired. They sat there watching the sunrise, watching the end of their eternity. Her eyes were full of tears of joy and sorrow at the same time. She was happy she came to live this last night, an unforgettable but unrepeatable night and devastated that it was over. She had to go. He didn`t understand much but he accepted things as they were. He loved her. No matter what the situation, his feelings won`t change. Remembering the last night they spent the tears from his heart started pouring down his cheeks. Looking at him, she still can`t believe he did all this for her. It was truly incredible. This just makes things harder for her to go. She ran in his arms and kissed him passionately. He can feel her cheeks are also wet. With a soft touch and a gentle move, he wipes her tears away.

They leave the place taking their memories with them. After arriving back at the old tree where they met, they hug for one last time and afterwards each one goes on his own way, not looking back. They can always see each other again in their memories, being as happy as they were that night. Always.

miercuri, 9 septembrie 2009

Kiss in the rain

Gotta love rainy days. 'Cause some days are like that...that's all you get, so make the best of it.