A rainbow in the sky

A rainbow in the sky

sâmbătă, 25 octombrie 2008

Ce ne place la baieti?

- ca ne fac cadouri de Sf. Valentin desi se declara a fi impotriva acestei sarbatori comerciale
- ca fac pe durii cand sunt intre baieti iar cand sunt doar cu noi se transforma in pisoiasi ce vor sa fie alintati
- ca ne repara calculatoarele ori de cate ori se strica
- ca ne cara plasele cand mergem la cumparaturi desi detesta asta
- ca ne scriu versuri dragute desi poezia in sine li se pare o chestie siropoasa si kitchoasa
- ca ne suporta cand ne oprim la vitrinele pet shop-urilor si facem "Vaaaaaaai ce dulce eee!" si nu ne mai putem dezlipi de acolo
- ca se prefac a se bucura de animalutele de plus pe care i le daruim doar ca sa nu ne jigneasca
- ca merg cu noi intr`un club ce ne place desi ei ar prefera sa mearga altundeva
- ca sar de pe trambulina de 10 metri pentru a ne impresiona, chiar daca au frica de inaltime
- ca nu petrec mai mult de 10 minute in baie si totusi arata bine
- ca ne spun ce vrem sa auzim
- ca sunt duri ca o stanca dar varsa lacrimi de crocodil daca echipa lor preferata nu se califica
- cum se chinuie sa faca o omleta iar apoi se mandresc de ea

luni, 13 octombrie 2008


Acum stau si ma gandesc
Cum Dumnezeu s`a ajuns aici?!
Nu vreau sa te ranesc
Nu mai suntem mici.
As vrea sa gasim un mod sa rezolvam
Toate conflictele dintre noi
Dar fara sa vrem din nou ne certam
Si cream altele noi.
Cum am ajuns aici?
Ne`ntelegeam asa de bine…
Iti dezvaluiam cele mai ascunse frici
Negandindu`ma k asta voi gasi maine.
Ce gasesc?
Un dusman mascat.
Acum de tine ma feresc,
Gesturile tale m`au marcat.
De la oricine numai de la tine nu m`as fi asteptat
Sa primesc o lovitura dura
Venind din spate
Ce increderea imi fura.
Ai trecut repede la fapte
Nu te`ai gandit de 2 ori
Ca prin aceste lovituri
Poti sa ma dobori.
Poate te`ai gandit dar nu`ti mai pasa
Ai uitat cand te primeam in casa
Si`ti suportam toate fitele,
Te`am iertat de fiecare data
Cand imi incurcai itele.
Defapt asa imi trebuie
Daca nu stiu sa aleg
Cine`mi vrea vrea rau si cine`mi vrea bine.
In nici un caz nu e vorba de tine.
Dupa cate mi`ai facut dac`ai fi avut ocazia m`ai fi si batut…
Cine`ar fi crezut?
Daca cineva mi`ar fi spus asta la inceput
I`as fi ras in fata
Si`as fi spus “ poate`n alta viata “
Viata…nu stii nici o data ce te`asteapta
Dar ti`o poti influenta prin orice fapta.
Nu inteleg eu ce`am facut de am ajuns aici?
Totul era asa de simplu cand eram mai mici.
Desi mi`ai facut atatea
Sunt dispusa sa te iert
Nu mai am puteri si nici nu mai vreau sa ma mai cert.
Poate vom putea crea
Din nou o legatura,
Nu asa stransa ca aceea
Numai sa nu ne desparta o ura
Ce nu face bine niciuneia.
Acuma astept un raspuns…vedem noi dupa aceea.

Spre rau...

Cateodata te simti inconjurat de oameni prosti,
Prieteni apropiati parca nu-i mai cunosti,
Observi ca lumea te cam evita…
Si ce daca nu faci parte din trupa de elita?
De asta nu trebuie sa fi evitat,
Sa fii in ochii altora egal cu un kkt
Ar trebui sa fi inteles si acceptat,
Apreciat pt ceea ce esti defapt.
Oameni de valoare sunt ignorati,cei supradotati sunt subestimati
Lumea, stiu, nu e deloc buna.
O realizezi in serile in care stai si te uiti la luna.
Ganduri rele in minte se aduna…
Realizezi ca daca esti destept
Oamenii te trateaza nedrept
Din invidie si lipsa de respect.
Daca nu esti destept, esti luat drept fraier
Sar pe tine, te sufoca, ramai fara aer.
Concluzia? Lumea e nedreapta.
Judeca orice fapta desi nu e apta,
Judeca orice gest, orice privire
Apoi la toti le dau de stire
Sa afle toti, sa judece, sa rada.
Astfel de oameni imi provoaca scarba
Lumea asta se darama…

A Tribute To Angel Guy

Every time I gaze at the moon
I think about your story
And my heart starts to bloom,
I`ll always keep the feeling in my memory.
A story about pure love and sacrifice
And evil demons that want to make the world as cold as ice,
A story about a boy and a girl.
She was pure like a pearl,
They stud up and defended the world.
A story about the perfect guy,
My favorite hero: Angel guy.
He`s the supreme victim with a pure hart and strong feelings
He can bare any kind of things
Any kind of torture,
He can bare everything for her.
He`ll live in hell so she can live on earth
Without regretting his birth
Without any regrets at all
For her, he`ll take the longest fall,
Fight all the demons in hell,
Standing up, not hiding in his shell
Although he knows he doesn`t have a chance
He gathers his powers, gets in some kind of trance
Then hell broke loose.
The hardest fight started and he knows he`s gonna loose.
He tries to fight them back
While she runs to hide in the back.
“You`re gonna die pitifully!” “That`s just your opinion”
And Angel guy stroke down the demon.
There was a fierce fight,
Allot of blood was shed in that night.
It was pitch dark outside
You could only see the red silhouettes of the dark side
But they were getting fewer as the fight was ending.
Demons were falling from the top of the building.
Angel guy was tired and weak
But then a demon started to speak:
“I`ve got the girl
Who do you save? The girl or the world?
If you fight I`ll kill her
If you give up, I`ll let you live with her
Both of you together,
Were ever you choose, no matter”
God scented a weakness in Angel guy`s heart,
Threw a lightning and broke the demon and the girl apart.
In that moment Angel guy stroke the demon with his sword
And light started to shine all over the world.
Angel guy and the girl embraced,
She was proud of him and he was amazed
He killed all those demons to protect her.
A crowd gathered around them and started to cheer
But he suddenly felt an intense pain
And heard a voice inside his brain:
“You hesitated saving the world because of a girl
You consider her more important than the world
You love her more than you love this world”
And without saying another word
God took Angel guy`s sword and wings
Leaving him naked, dressed up in his feelings.
He barely said goodbye to her and he disappeared in the sky.
Everybody started asking why…
It was his punishment to live in hell
Because he loved her more than God taught he shall.
He didn`t mind as long as she was fine
You wouldn`t hear him wine.
He taught: “Oh well
We`re still together, but we just can`t touch…
As long as she`s in my heart nothing`s too much”